Supporting creative + consensual exploration & Expression


About Me

Jen Metta Smith

Hello!  My name is Jen, and I love offering workshops, art and other resources that weave together and reflect my interests in creativity, consent and community.   My offerings support empowered embodiment, clarity and authentic expression and connection.  I'm also a visual artist and parody song writer.

I facilitate workshops on mandala painting, as well as workshops called 'Let's Get Consensual' which explore the art of clarity, communication and consent through a blend of theory and experiential practices.  While the origin of this work is body-based, the skills and insights generated in these workshops are applicable to all areas of life.  

I'm grateful for many friends on the path, many of whom aren't formal teachers and many of whom do not have a public online presence.  That said, here is a selection of some of the teachers who have influenced and inspired me.

Paul Heussenstamm, Mandala Painting

- Marsha Donner, Artful Solutions

Ted Wallace, Intuitive Painting

Caffyn Jesse, Intimacy Education 

- Betty Martin, Wheel of Consent 

- Elfi Dillon-Shaw, Heartcore Touch

Mandala Workshops

You will be guided and supported step by step in creating a personally meaningful and authentic mandala painting.  

This workshop will nourish your artistic journey - helping to blossom your innate creative intuition, develop practical painting techniques, and harness the collective power of group energy.

This is an opportunity to express yourself through a painting that is yours to keep, connect with others who share similar interests, and to held in the support of a strong container.  Creating space in your life for this can have profound and fulfilling results.  I love offering these and am always amazed at what emerges.  All materials are included and no experience is needed.  The next workshop will be in Spring 2025. Learn more here.

Join the mailing list to be notified of upcoming workshops, or reach out to explore hosting a workshop in your community.

mandala workshop jen v painting

'Let's Get Consensual' Workshops

How do you know what you want, and how do you act when you really believe it's for you (or for the other)?

One of my passions is The Wheel of Consent, a tool developed by Dr. Betty Martin, which explores the nuances of consent, intimacy and pleasure.  I recently completed the facilitator training course for the School of Consent, and am in the process of becoming certified.  There's a lot to learn! ???? 


These workshops are a blend of theory and experiential, body-based exercises.  Topics covered include noticing our desires and limits, following your pleasure, asking for what we want, creating clear agreements, and discerning between 'giving' and 'doing'.  These are practices - you're meant to keep coming back to them, and every time I do I continue to learn something new.

The next workshop is Saturday, February 8th in Vancouver, BC. Join my mailing list to be notified of upcoming workshops, or reach out to me directly to discuss hosting a workshop in your community.   
